Posing tips and tricks

Posing tips and tricks

Capturing the magic of the holidays in a photo with Santa Claus is a cherished tradition that brings joy to all. To ensure your Santa photo experience is nothing short of spectacular, here are Old Saint Click’s expert posing tips. With the assistance of this amazing photography company, you can create heartwarming Santa photos that you’ll treasure for years to come.

Engage with Santa:
Approach Santa with a warm smile and friendly demeanor. Old Saint Click’s Santa performers are experts at creating a welcoming atmosphere. Interact with Santa by sharing your holiday wishes, and let their genuine engagement bring out the magic in your photo.

Try Different Poses:
Old Saint Click encourages you to explore various poses to capture different moments and expressions. Sit on Santa’s lap, stand beside him, or share a high-five or handshake. With their guidance, each pose can tell a unique story in your photo collection.

Capture Expressive Faces:
Old Saint Click knows that expressive faces convey genuine emotions. They’ll encourage your children to show their excitement or curiosity, resulting in candid moments that make for authentic and heartwarming photos.

Include the Whole Family:
Old Saint Click’s talented photographers can expertly arrange your family members around Santa for a cozy and inclusive atmosphere. No one gets left out of the holiday magic. If your family is more than 8 members, we may have to do two separate poses just to fit everyone in!

Coordinate Outfits:
For a harmonious look, consider coordinating your outfits. This doesn’t mean you have to all wear the exact same colour, but complimentary tones can be helpful. Or if you want something really funky, you can always dress up in festive holiday outfits to enhance the charm of your Santa photos.

Hold Keepsakes or Letters:
Personalize your photos with holiday-themed props like letters to Santa, wrapped gifts, or ornaments. Old Saint Click knows how to incorporate these props to add a festive and sentimental touch to your pictures.

Capture Genuine Reactions:
Old Saint Click excels at capturing genuine reactions. They’ll work with your children to create natural expressions, whether it’s awe, shyness, or pure excitement.

Taking a photo with Santa Claus is a cherished holiday tradition, and Old Saint Click ensures that your Santa photos are nothing short of amazing. With their expert posing tips and guidance, you’ll capture the magic of the season with genuine smiles, heartfelt interactions, and lasting memories. Embrace the joy and magic of the moment, and let Old Saint Click tell the story of your holiday celebrations through their exceptional photography.

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